Word Meaning Occurrences
columna column, pillar 126
coma hair of the head 14
comburo to burn up 111
combustio burning up, consuming 9
combustura burning 1
comedo to eat up, consume 571
comes companion 14
comessatio carousing, revelry 9
comessator carouser, reveler 1
comestor glutton 1
cominus hand to hand, at close quarters 3
comitatus retinue, escort 10
comitor to accompany 10
commaculo to spot, stain 3
commando to chew, grind 1
commanduco to chew up 2
commemoratio remembrance, commemoration 10
commemoro to recall to memory, remember 9
commendatitius serving for recommendation 2
commendo to praise, commend 50
commentarius notebook, register 13
commeo to come and go, pass to and fro 1
commereo to merit fully, deserve 3
commilito comrade, fellow soldier 4
comminatio threatening, threat 3
comminor to threaten, to rebuke 33
comminuo to break, crush 42
commisceo to mix together, mingle 26
commissio beginning of a contest, commission of an act 2
commissura joining together, joint 8
commistio mixing, mingling 4
committo to entrust, to commit 45
commixtim jointly, confusedly 2
commodo to lend, grant 13
commodus having due measure, suitable 2
commolo to grind thoroughly, to pound 1
commonefacio to recall, bring to mind 2
commoneo to remind, put in mind 12
commonitio reminder, admonition 5
commoratio abode, dwelling 2
commorior to die with, die together 7
commoror to stay, remain 33
commotio moving, motion 20
commoveo to move, shake 90
communicatio sharing, participation 16
communicator sharer 2
communico to share, impart 37
communio community, mutual participation 4
communis common, unclean 49
communiter together, in common 3
commutatio change, alteration 11
commuto to change, alter 19
compago connection, joint 7
compar equal, comrade 3
comparatio comparison, contest 10
compareo to be evident, appear 5
comparo to match, to compare; to prepare, to procure 29
comparticeps partner, partaker 2
compartior to divide something with one 1
compatior to suffer with, to have compassion 11
compedio to fetter, shackle 5
compello to drive together, to compel 31
compendium saving, gain 1
comperio to obtain knowledge of, learn 10
compes fetter, shackle 19
compesco to suppress, restrain 3
competo to coincide, to be fit 3
compingo to put together, frame 10
compitum crossroad, junction 2
complaceo to be pleasing 30
complacitus pleased, favorable 1
complano to level, make even 4
complanto to plant together 2
complector to embrace, clasp 12
compleo to fill up, complete 153
completio completion, achievement 1
complexor to embrace closely 2
complico to fold together, fold up 2
complodo to clap, strike 3
compluor to be rained upon 2