Word Meaning Occurrences
coapto to fit, join with something 1
coarcto to press together, confine 11
coccineus scarlet-colored 12
coccinum scarlet 9
coccum scarlet 25
cochlea snail, snail shell 2
coctio cooking, dish 3
cocus cook 2
cocytus Cocytus 1
codex block, book 1
coelectus elected together 2
coelesyria Coelesyria 5
coemptio buying up 1
coena dinner, supper 33
coenaculum dining room, upper room 35
coeno to dine, eat 11
coenomyia fly 2
coenum mud, mire 2
coeo to come together, meet 13
coepio to begin 347
coerceo to hem in, confine 4
coetus assembly, gathering 34
cogitatio thought, deliberation 169
cogitatus thought 15
cogito to think, ponder 228
cognata female relation 3
cognatio relationship, kindred 166
cognatus kindred, related 44
cognitio knowledge, inquiry 14
cognitor one who knows 1
cognomen surname 2
cognomentum surname, name 2
cognomino to name, call 40
cognoscibiliter recognizably, discernibly 1
cognosco to acquire knowledge of, to know 538
cogo to press, compel 36
cohabito to dwell together, cohabit 4
cohaereo to cling together, be united 8
cohaeres coheir, joint heir 8
cohibeo to hold together, hold 5
cohors cohort, company 17
cohortor to animate, encourage 1
coinquinatio defilement 8
coinquino to defile, contaminate 30
coitus coition, sexual union 12
colaia Colaia 1
colaphizo to buffet 4
colaphus blow, slap 6
colias Colias 1
collabor to fall together, collapse 2
collaboro to labor with 4
collactaneus foster brother 3
collatio gathering, collection 3
collaudatio warm praise 1
collaudo to praise highly, extol 10
collecta assembly, contribution 8
collectio gathering, collection 5
collega partner, companion 3
collido to strike against, beat 18
colligatio binding together, connection 2
colligo to gather together, take in; to bind together, bind up 137
collis hill 82
collisio dashing, striking together 2
colloco to arrange, set up 36
colloquium conversation, conference 5
colloquor to talk together, converse 10
colluctatio wrestling, struggling 2
colluctor to struggle, contend 1
collum neck 60
collyrida cake 3
collyrium eye salve 2
colo to tend, to worship 101
colocynthis wild gourd 1
colonia colony, colonial town 3
colonus husbandman, farmer 18
color color 29
coloro to color, tint 1
colossae Colossae 2
coluber snake, serpent 13
columba dove 56