Word Meaning Occurrences
circumfodio to dig around 1
circumfulgeo to shine around 8
circumfundo to pour around 2
circumlego to sail around, pick one's way around 2
circumligo to tie around, bind up 3
circumlinio to besmear, bedaub 1
circumornatus adorned all over 1
circumpes covering for the foot, leggings 1
circumplector to clasp, embrace 2
circumpono to set around, place around 7
circumsedeo to sit around, surround 3
circumsepio to fence around, enclose 4
circumspectio foresight, circumspection 1
circumspecto to look about with attention 1
circumspector watcher, spy 2
circumspicio to look around, observe 24
circumstantia enclosure, guard 1
circumsto to stand around, surround 23
circumtego to cover round about 2
circumvallo to surround with a wall, to besiege 1
circumvenio to deceive, trick 15
circumventio circumvention, defrauding 2
cis Cis 23
cison Cison 5
cisson Cisson 1
cisterna cistern 30
citatus quick, swift 3
cithara cithara, lyre 53
citharizo to play on the cithara 4
citharoedus one who plays the cithara 4
cito quickly, soon; quickly, soon 101
civilitas art of government, politics 2
civis citizen 36
civitas state, city 1288
clades destruction, harm 2
clam secretly, privately 15
clamito to cry aloud 4
clamo to call, cry out 389
clamor shout, cry 86
clamosus clamorous, full of noise 1
clango to clang, resound 26
clangor sound, noise 14
clare clearly, brightly 6
claresco to grow bright, sound clear 2
clarifico to make bright, to glorify 44
claritas brightness, splendor 43
clarus clear, bright 6
classis fleet, navy 10
claudia Claudia 2
claudico to limp, be lame 8
claudius Claudius 6
claudo to close, shut 123
claudus lame 42
claustrum lock, bar 1
clausura lock, bar 1
clavis key 14
clavus nail 21
clemens mild, calm; Clement 10
clementer mildly, calmly 2
clementia mildness, clemency 11
cleopatra Cleopatra 3
cleophas Cleophas 4
clerus lot, assignment 3
clibanus oven, furnace 14
clivus slope, ascent 3
clusor one who closes 2
clypeus round shield 38
coa Coa 3
coacervo to heap together, heap up 9
coacte by compulsion 2
coaduno to unite, add 1
coaedifico to build up, build upon 2
coaequalis equal, comrade 5
coaequo to make equal, make even 7
coaetaneus one of the same age 2
coaevus coeval, of the same age 1
coagito to shake together 2
coagulo to curdle, coagulate 5
coambulo to go with 1
coangusto to limit, restrict 4