Word Meaning Occurrences
castellum castle, fort 50
castifico to purify, make pure 2
castigatio correcting, correction 3
castigo to chastise, correct 16
castitas purity, chastity 17
castor Castor 2
castrametor to pitch camp 59
castro to castrate 2
castrum fort, camp 285
castus pure, chaste 10
casula small house, hut 4
casus fall, occurrence 17
cata by 2
cataclysmus deluge, flood 2
cataplasmo to apply a poultice to 1
cataracta waterfall, floodgate 7
catechizo to instruct, catechize 4
catellus whelp, pup 4
catena chain 46
catenula small chain 5
caterva crowd, troop 1
cateth Cateth 1
cathedra chair, seat 22
catinus deep dish, bowl 4
catta unknown species of animal 1
catulus young animal, whelp 26
cauda tail, cauda; cauda, tail 23
caulae sheepfold 12
cauma heat 1
caupo huckster, innkeeper 1
causa cause, reason 196
causor to plead, to allege 4
caute cautiously, prudently 6
cauterio to brand, mark with a branding iron 2
cautio wariness, precaution 2
cautus careful, circumspect 1
cavea cave, cage 2
caveo to beware, to avoid 56
caverna cave, hole 12
cavus hollow, concave 3
ce demonstrative enclitic particle 5
cedar cedar 13
cedes Cedes 9
cedimoth Cedimoth 1
cedma Cedma 2
cedmihel Cedmihel 8
cedmonaeus Cedmonite 1
cedo to go, pass 25
cedrinus of cedar wood 32
cedron Cedron 13
cedrus cedar 45
ceelatha Ceelatha 1
ceila Ceila 18
celai Celai 1
celaia Celaia 1
celeber distinguished, conspicuous 15
celebratio great assembly, festival 1
celebritas great assembly, festal celebration 3
celebro to celebrate, solemnize 55
celer swift 4
celeritas swiftness 1
celeriter quickly, swiftly 10
celeuma cry of command, song to keep time 3
celita Celita 2
cella storeroom, cellar 3
cellarium cellar, pantry 7
cellon Cellon 1
cellula small room, cell 2
celo to conceal, keep secret 27
celtis tool for carving, chisel 1
cenchreae Cenchreae 4
cendebaeus Cendebeus 5
cenereth Cenereth 4
ceneroth Ceneroth 2
cenez Cenez 11
cenezaeus Cenezite 4
ceni Ceni 2
cenneroth Cenneroth 1
census census, assessment 11
centenarius consisting of a hundred, centenarian 2