Word Meaning Occurrences
calcator one who treads 2
calceamentum shoe 43
calcedonius Chalcedonian, chalcedony 2
calceo to furnish with shoes 10
calcitro to kick, to resist 5
calco to tread, trample 47
calculus small stone, pebble 8
caldaria cauldron, pot for boiling 1
caleb Caleb 41
calefacio to make warm, heat 25
calendae Calends, first day of the month 19
calidus warm, hot 14
caliga leather show, soldier's boot 3
caliginosus misty, gloomy 5
caligo mist, darkness; to be misty, darken 42
calita Calita 1
calix cup, chalice 91
callide shrewdly, cunningly 2
callidus shrewd, cunning 8
callis rough path, road 5
callisthenes Callisthenes 1
calor warmth, heat 16
calphi Calphi 1
calubi Calubi 1
calumnia calumny, false accusation 31
calumniator false accuser, slanderer 3
calumnior to accuse falsely, calumniate 25
calvaria skull 9
calvitium baldness 13
calvus bald, hairless 3
calx lime, chalk; heel, foot 2
camelopardalus giraffe 1
camelus camel 69
camera vault, arched roof 3
caminus furnace 17
camon Camon 1
campester level, flat 62
campus field, plain 62
camuel Camuel 3
camus muzzle, bit 3
cana Cana 9
canalis groove, channel 6
cananaeus 2
canath Canath 1
cancelli lattice, grate 3
cancer crab, cancer 2
candace Candace 2
candelabrum candlestick, lampstand 62
candeo to be brilliant, glitter 3
candidus shining white, bright 30
candor whiteness, radiance 8
caneo to be gray, be hoary 3
canis dog 47
canistrum basket 13
canities gray color, hoariness 4
cano to sing, sound 81
cantabilis worthy to be sung 1
cantatio music, song 1
cantatrix female singer 5
canthus iron ring around a carriage wheel 1
canticum song 93
cantilena song, refrain 1
cantio song 1
canto to sing, sound 96
cantor singer 41
cantus song, singing 3
canus white, hoary 10
capax capacious, large 1
caper goat, he-goat 12
caphara Caphara 1
capharnaum Capharnaum 32
capharsalama Capharsalama 1
caphetetha Caphetetha 1
caphira Caphira 1
caphtorim Caphtorim 2
capillatura hair, dressing of hair 2
capillus hair 54
capio to take, catch 277
capitellum small head, capital of a column 18
capitium tunic put on over the head, hole for the head 4